

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “FAN TOM“, registered office of the legal entity: Ukraine, 04070, Kiev city, Borychiv Tik street, building 35-А, identification code 39368119, date and registration number in the Register of legal entities, individual and public entrepreneurs of the Unified State Organizations – 06.06.2022, registration number: 1000711070013032531, (hereinafter referred to as Society), in the person of the director EFREMOVA INNA VYACHESLAVIVNA, citizen of Ukraine, born the 13.08.1964 in Kalush, passport TT363367, issued by Sviatoshynskiy RV of the State Department of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the city of Kiev on November 22, 2016, place of the residence is registered at the address: Ukraine, Kiev city, Gorbachova street, building 4/2, apartment 40.

ICO UNITED PLANET (International Charitable Organization United Planet)  Humanitarian Organization under Ukrainian Law, unique code of the state register 37013282 with Headquarter Ucraina, 04212, Kiev, Street Timoshenko 21 K2, on  this deed, represented by its Vice President and Extraordinary Commissioner Dr. Massimo Restivo

Fan Tom Ltd and ICO United Planet, in the person of their representatives and as managers, may act in the name and on behalf of this Association, with separate signature.

Dr. ALBERTO AGOSTINO MARIO ZUMMO (life science expert) Italian citizen, born in Milan, on 05.30.1969

Agricultural Attendant Cooperative Store  “GOLD STANDART”   23800 Vinnytsia Region, Teplyk Urban-Type Settlement, Nezalezhnosti street, building 73. unique code of the state register 36541014, in this act representing from Mr. Ruslan Nesterenko, born 25.11.1975 in Kiev

U-EARTH BIOTECH LTD – 38 Craven Street – London (United Kingdom WC2N 5NG) Company Number11599132 registrar of companies for England an Wales, in this act representing to: ELISABETTA MAGGIO, italian citizen

Dr. DAVIDE DELLAVEDOVA  – (information and communication technologies expert) Italian Citizen, born in Milano (Italy) 23.08.1967

ANNA MARIA MANFREDI (Lawyer and expert in international family law) italian citizen, born in Cosenza (Italy) 22.01.1962

Arch. DAVIDE BRUGNATTI (International architecture studio, expert in the use of renewable resources and in the innovative completion of spaces dedicated to children.)

Dr. Massimo Rocchi (Expert in the safety and protection of people and environments)

In support OF:

The Health Ministry

The Emergencies Ministry

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