That this is a private agreement, signed in the state of Ukraine, and therefore respects the rules and laws of the Ukrainian state first and foremost, but also respects the reciprocity agreements with the adhering countries in line with the protocols of international law on the subject of ” agreements”.

This agreement is the establishment of an association, both purpose and business, in Ukrainian territory.


This agreement has the aim of bringing together the participating operators with the aim of taking action, each within their own competence, and of arriving together at a result both social and economic and which has as its main and common objective, that of providing a coherent and active contribution to the post-war reconstruction of the Ukrainian territory.

All parties signing this agreement declare to have direct or indirect interaction with the aggregate or direct bodies of the United Nations, that is, to facilitate, on the merits, the activities of internal and external relations with the state of Ukraine to protect projects that have, in proximity to the supranational body, a patronage of respect and guarantee.


Lead partners

Mandating members


To come together in a Temporary Business and Purpose Association, called ATI&S UKRITA for carrying out the activities referred to in the object indicated above.

The aforementioned members can be defined as founding entities. This does not oblige them not to welcome, during the works, other companies or associations which may gradually prove necessary for the achievement of the successful completion of one or more activities (contracts or the result of donations) and which have common purposes, both economic and social.

This agreement specifies that the mandate relationship does not in any case affect the autonomy of each company, not determining any form of organization or infinite association between the merged companies and/or the merged associations.

It is also specified:

that joint-stock companies, partnerships, freelancers, humanitarian associations of any nationality can join this Association.

That this association has neither political nor religious purposes, but ethical and economic ones.

Each member of this Association will be free, independent and autonomous in the choices of participation or activation of contracts and supplies of any kind, and all proceeds from successes deriving from the winning of tenders or direct negotiations will be unquestionably the responsibility of the company , or the professional who participated. The Association also has as its main purpose the promotion of relevant activities of the participants in the Ukrainian territory. The presence of the Ukrainian International Humanitarian Organization (ICO UNITED PLANET) tends to guarantee an ethical and social aspect, to which the members will refer to provide social and economic help following the positive results obtained through the active ethical scouting of the associative community itself. The recognition of an economic contribution to ICO UNITED PLANET will be evaluated and discussed jointly by the parties, before and after the submission of expressions of interest for contracts and supplies, whatever they may be.


First of all, Lvyv Court

Second, Tribunal London and Chamber of Commerce – London




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